How I Buy & Sell Houses For Profit Over The Internet In Random Towns I’ve Never Heard Of Before

Without hunting for deals, making offers, or visiting houses.

Blair Halver
8 min readJan 25, 2020

A wise man once told me…

“The less I do, the more I make.” (my mentor, Ron LeGrand)

Well, I took that to heart.

But it wasn’t just him that I learned this from.

Even Robert Kiyosaki, author of Rich Dad Poor Dad, told the story of how his Rich Dad gave him some similar advice many years ago:

“If you want to be rich, you need to be lazy. And if you want to be REALLY rich, you need to be incompetent, too.”

An Amazing Time To Be Alive

The internet has changed our lives in ways many people never could have imagined.

Old Way: Remember when you had to actually go to the library to research something for your term paper, and look things up in encyclopedias, and keep all those little 3x5 index cards with your notes and citations and stuff?

New Way: Now we just go to google and access the sum of all human knowledge at our fingertips.

Old Way: And do you remember when we had to actually go to a store to buy something we wanted? Drive to the store. Physically find the item in the store. Look at it. Pick it up. Try it out. Bring it to the cash register. Buy it. Take the paper receipt.

New Way: Now we just click a few buttons on amazon and it arrives at our doorstep a few hours later.

Old Way: And do you remember when we had to actually go look at houses, visit with sellers, estimate repairs, make offers, plunk a wad of cash down to buy it, borrow money from loan sharks…

Driving for dollars. Direct mail. Networking. Bandit signs. Cold calling. Texting. Ringless Voicemail…

Focus on just one or two markets, preferably your local market, compete with every other Tom, Dick, and Harry Wholesaler out there, work with a realtor, build up a cash-buyers list, go to REIA meetings…

Man, that seems like forever ago.

Yes, we’ve come a loooong way in the house-buying business.

New Way to Buy & Sell Houses For Profit:

Place an ad online.

Property owner calls.

Read the script to them.

Get contract signed via email.

Sell the deal.

Receive wire into bank account.

Rinse. Repeat.

I’ll be totally honest here. It’s actually kind of boring.

It’s gotten so systematized that the business basically runs itself now that I’ve delegated pretty much everything to one good assistant.

Am I rich?

Eh… I guess some people would say so, but it doesn’t feel like it.

I had this idea in my head of what it was going to be like when I reached a certain level of success, but now that I’m there, it’s kinda like, ok, what’s next?

Case in point — my wife just confirmed I was going a little crazy when I told her I wanted to pay over $3,000 to go to Vegas for a 3-day seminar where I could learn how to make money in sports betting using statistical analysis and the phases of the moon to predict outcomes.

Sounds like a joke, but I’m dead serious. I might still do it. We’ll see.

Anyway, I digress…

Back to the real reason you’re here — to learn how I flip houses over the internet in random towns I’ve never heard of before.

Now, you’ve probably heard of “virtual investing” or “virtual wholesaling”. In fact, my friend, Cris Chico, coined the term “virtual wholesaling” probably 10+ years ago.

So the idea of doing a deal in a remote location isn’t what’s so new here.

What’s new is that now instead of picking maybe one or two remote markets to do deals in, now we just target basically the whole country.

Actually, I’ve got about 15 states that I prefer to target.

What this has done for us is:

  • Essentially eliminates competition from other investors and wholesalers.
  • Allows us to deal only with the MOST motivated sellers (skim the cream off the top of the entire U.S. housing market).
  • Enables us to do more deals with less hassle, and less hustle.

Of course the flipside of it is you have to be ready to do a deal in middle-of-nowhere Texas or somewhere if the opportunity presents itself.

But let me ask you — if you had a $30,000 check waiting for you RIGHT NOW in a town that was 1,700 miles away from you, but you had to get there by the end of the day to collect it, would you figure out how to get there ASAP?

I hope you say yes.

The good news is that you don’t have to actually GO to that town to get it. We do everything over the internet now (kinda like how we buy nearly everything else over the internet now, too. Thank you, Amazon).

In fact, we just picked up a deal in Ty Ty, Georgia that we’re planning to turn around and sell for a tidy $45,000 profit.

Have you ever heard of Ty Ty, GA?

I hadn’t either. I had to look it up.

Maybe I’ll go there some day.

Eh… probably not.

So obviously, we’re talking about a whole new business model from the traditional real estate investing business.

I call this new model the “Flip-Skimming Method”.

I don’t know, it was the best I could come up with, alright? :-)

Because you’re skimming the cream off the top of the whole U.S. to find the best flips… oh never mind, you get the picture.

And don’t get any ideas, I already registered the domain name. Haha

Now, there’s a few key components to doing this.

I’m going to share some of them here, but I’m not going to share all of them because frankly, I don’t want everyone and their brother doing this like they are with wholesaling these days — that whole world is getting kinda ridiculous in my opinion.

First thing you need: a steady flow of motivated seller leads coming into your inbox every single day.

Second thing you need: one or two good phone calls with the seller, saying the right words in the right order. Another thing my mentor, Ron, taught me: what comes out of your mouth determines what goes into your bank account. (Write that one down)

Third thing you need: knowledge of how to monetize leads whether they have enough equity for a cash deal or not.

Most motivated sellers out there today simply don’t have enough equity to give you a big enough discount to make the deal work as a wholesale or fix and flip.

So what do you do, just throw the lead away?

Heeeeeeeeck no.

You gotta be able to handle any lead that comes your way. My partner, Jeff, and I call this skill “Transactional Engineering”.

(We’ve got a whole podcast and youtube channel on this stuff, you can look it up later.)

And jeez that’s really about it.

Just those three things.

But the devil’s in the details, isn’t it?

In fact, I can hear you shouting several objections and questions at me right now, so how about we tackle some of those for you here…

You: How do you inspect the house before you buy it if you’re not there?

Me: Video call via FB Messenger or FaceTime. Or we’ll simply let our buyer inspect it themselves.

You: How are you going to wholesale the deal to another investor if you don’t have a cash-buyers list built up in whatever town you get a deal in?

Me: Well first of all, some of our deals we sell to owner-occupants. Others we sell to investors. But it’s the same either way, we just run our property marketing process using the property itself as bait to attract the exact right type of interested buyers, pre-screen the buyers, let the good ones make an offer to us, and then get it closed.

You: How do you show the house if you’re not there?

Me: We just get the seller or someone else to show it or go put a lockbox on it if it’s vacant and let the buyers look at it on their own.

You: How do you know the seller’s not going to cut you out of the deal?

Me: Eh.. I guess they could, but they don’t. And if they did, I mean… it’s probably easier just to move on to the next deal instead of fighting with some seller who doesn’t want to do business with you, wouldn’t you agree?

You: What kinds of deals are you doing like this?

Me: Any and all kinds: wholesale, fix and flip, lease-option, subject-to, wrap mortgages… basically whatever the deal calls for. In other words, whichever strategy is going to make us the most money with the least amount of effort and risk, that’s what we do. It’s on a deal-by-deal basis.

You: Are you guys actually doing the business or are you just teaching how to do the business?

Me: That’s a great question. Because you’re right, if this business is so easy and lucrative, Mr. Guru, why aren’t YOU just focusing on doing more of your awesome deals instead of telling us all about it?

Well first of all, yes, we are actively doing this business. Our group contracted three properties just in the last week alone, and we don’t even work on Sundays.

Second of all, you remember earlier how I said the business had gotten a little boring? I wasn’t lying about that.

So what’s keeping the spark alive for me is branching out into the “training” business alongside the house business. Keeps my creative juices flowing. Plus we make a lot of money doing this, too… duh.

You: I’m out of questions, what’s something I should be asking that I haven’t already?

Me: Great question. You should be asking questions like:

“Why am I banging my head against the wall using the same outdated model of the business that all the other broke investors are using?”

“Why has nobody told me I could do this before?”

“Why didn’t I think of that?!”

Just a few to get you started there. :-)

Ok at this point, I hope I’ve at least opened your eyes to the possibilities a little bit here.

I’ve been in the real estate investing world for a good 10+ years, and personally, I think this is one of the biggest breakthroughs we’ve had in this business in a looong time.

Because only now is the technology and infrastructure and the culture getting to a place where this is even possible.

Case in point — most investors complain about these big venture-capital-backed home-buying companies coming in like OpenDoor or Zillow Offers, etc.

But man, I am so glad they did.

Because it has gone a long way in legitimizing our industry of professional home-buyers in the minds of sellers.

Back in the day, everybody just thought we were scamming people.

Nowadays it’s all over television and it’s a full-blown career for some people. Crazy how times have changed, right?

So anyway, if you want to see more of how we do this, and you want us to help you implement this new model into your own business, just go to (you like that domain name, don’t ya?)

Thanks for reading. If you found it valuable, please share!

See you on the next one…



Blair Halver

The lifestyle real estate investor, famous for creating highly profitable house-flipping businesses without having to hustle 24/7.